Join HOSA and Prepare for a Successful Future in Healthcare

Join a HOSA Chapter
If your school has a Health Science program and an active HOSA chapter, contact the Health Science teacher and HOSA advisor and tell them you want to join! The HOSA advisor will connect you with chapter leaders so you can begin your HOSA journey.
Start a Chapter
If your school has a Health Science program but not an active HOSA chapter, consider starting a HOSA chapter!
How to start a HOSA chapter in Alabama:
- Chapter must be affiliated with an Alabama Public School.
- Members must have an interest in pursuing careers in the healthcare field.
- Members must be in the 6th – 12th grade.
- Middle school, post-secondary and collegiate chapters may also be awarded, but competitive events are altered at these levels.
- Chapter must have an advisor that is willing to take the leadership role and be the communication liaison with the State Department of Education.
- The advisor should contact the Alabama HOSA Office to discuss HOSA expectations and request a charter number and password.
- Once the charter number/password is awarded, members can be affiliated and the HOSA chapter can have meetings, elect officers, and participate in local, state, and national opportunities.
- Middle school members (6-8th grades) may only compete in the State Qualifying Events and International Leadership Conference. Competitive events are not offered for the Middle School level at Alabama’s State Leadership Conference.